Reflexology is an ancient healing modality based on the principle that the entire body is reflected on the feet, hands, and ears. Springing from the same roots as acupuncture, a Reflexologist locates different reflexes on the feet, and by applying a gentle pressure can alleviate tension and bring balance back into the body.
Reflexology can alleviate tension and pain
Why Reflexology?
Quite simply Reflexology is an alternative approach to medicine that treats the WHOLE Person instead of just a symptom. For example, if you came in for a session because of migraines, back pain, or a hormonal imbalance, a Reflexologist would concentrate on specific points to alleviate your pain or imbalance, but would also take into account your whole being and work your feet accordingly.
Reflexology can feel like a wonderful deep foot massage! But, it is so much more. Reflexology has been shown to improve circulation which leads to less conjestion in the body and therefore, improved health.